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    Welcome to Tulip Australia

    The TULIP Multidisc Disk Harrow is the Australian pioneer in this product segment commonly referred to as speed tillers. The high-speed shallow cultivator is ideal for incorporating stubble, cover crops and crop residue for re-planting.

    Tulip Machinery



    Fixed headstock disc harrow suitable for tractors with 40 to 120 hp with a working depth of 4 to 10 cm and a working width ranging from 1.8 to 3 metres.
    Multidisc XL

    Multidisc XL

    Fixed headstock disc harrow suitable for tractors with 95 to 190 hp with a working depth of 5 to 12 cm and working width ranging from 3 to 4 metres.
    Multidisc XLH

    Multidisc XLH

    Hydraulic folding disc harrow suitable for tractors with 125 to 290 hp with a working depth of 5 to 12 cm and working width ranging from 4 to 6 metres.
    Multidisc XXL

    Multidisc XXL

    Fixed headstock disc harrow suitable for tractors with 110 to 150 hp with a working depth of 5 to 15 cm and a working width of 3 metres.
    Multidisc XXLH

    Multidisc XXLH

    Hydraulic folding disc harrow suitable for tractors with 170 to 310 hp with a working depth of 5 to 15 cm and a working width of 4.5 to 6 metres.